16 ways to find personal rest

Over at (in)courage, where I’m talking about my current work break, and practical ways to find rest. From the post:

“Perhaps you have the freedom to take a larger chunk of time away from a hectic schedule. Be it a week, a month, or the entire summer — if you’re feeling close to burnout, and you can afford to take a break, then do it. You won’t regret it.

1. Go on a road trip with your family. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination, and go somewhere restful (so maybe not to your extended family).

2. Start — and finish — a project. Be it sewing a dress, painting a room, or writing a book proposal, tackle something that’s been on your list. It’ll feel good to cross it off.

3. Try a hobby you’ve been curious about. Take a cooking class. Ask a friend to teach you to knit.”

Head here to read all 16 ideas, and to leave a comment about your personal favorite ways to find rest.