Don’t borrow trouble

There are many troublesome things in life: the economy, poverty, crime, and disease, just to name a few. And if these issues aren’t enough, there’s also the worry associated with everything that’s just beyond our control.

Worry can dominate your life.

So can fear.

“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~ Matthew 6:34, the Bible

It’s easy to fall victim to worry and fear.

Did you realize that the Bible mentions some version of the phrase “Do not worry” or “Do not fear” over 200 times?

What can we conclude from this? — We are going to worry. It’s a natural, human experience.

I think the goal is not to eliminate worry and fear, because it can serve a good purpose.

The goal – keep things in perspective.

Four years ago, my father-in-law died from cancer in his brain. As the disease progressed and took over his life, he changed. And so did those around him, most notably my mother-in-law.

Several weeks before his passing, my wife was talking with her mother about all the things that could happen as Dad’s cancer spread, and the care that progression would entail.

What if this happens? What if that happens? and so on.

Her mother’s response to these questions was some of the wisest counsel I’ve heard: “Honey, don’t borrow trouble.”

Don’t borrow trouble.

There are many times to be overwhelmed with the unknown. It can dominate every thought, ruminating on things you cannot control or are unable to address.

I am not saying that planning ahead or being prepared is a bad thing to do. But obsessing about the planning is unhealthy.

In my mother-in-law’s case, she was simply focusing on the tasks right in front of her, and, more importantly, making the most of every moment with her husband.

For her to worry about the future would have meant her missing some of the present. Besides, the future was beyond her control. She wisely chose to live in the moment; tomorrow has enough worries of its own.

Where do you borrow trouble in your life? Where do you get so caught up in the planning of the future and all its tasks that you miss the moments going on right in front of you?

This week, slow down and enjoy the evenings with your family. Sit outside at sunset and watch the colors change in the sky. Wrestle with your kids in the front yard. Play catch. Go for a walk with your spouse. And while you do any or all of these things, don’t borrow trouble — you may miss what’s right in front of you.

What has helped you live in the moment? What has helped you enjoy the blessings life has to offer right now?