The blessing of stewardship

Yesterday I was over at (in)courage, talking more about the internal, spiritual side of spring cleaning.  Specifically, I’m talking about declutteringwhy do we hold on to our stuff?  What does it say about what’s going on inside us?

From the post:

• Do I keep an endless supply of coffee mugs just in case I have 50 people asking for tea and coffee at one time?
• Am I scared to sell our plethora of unused children’s clothes given by my mother-in-law because it might damage our relationship?
• Even though our unloved Christmas china would sell for a pretty sum, am I holding on to it because I feel like it defines who we are as a family?
• Do I hold on to my old high school notes, the souvenirs from my European trip in college, and the ticket stubs from our honeymoon because if I let them go, I’ll forget that they were important?
All of these questions point to heart issues; a conflict of interest between our material things on Earth and the author and perfecter of our faith.  It’s good to wrestle with this conflict regularly, so that our hope remains in heaven and nowhere else.
This isn’t to say having stuff is bad.  It’s not.  …But while on Earth, we constantly need to be mindful of our status here as stewards, not as owners.  And stewardship means to manage well.

Head here to read the full post, and to add your thoughts in the comments.