The sacred messiness

As you start this new week, may you choose to see that the little interruptions in your life that need nose wipes, diaper changes, homework help, or one-on-one time on the couch are not, in fact, interruptions. They are the sum of your days. These beings called to your care are your current calling, and while they’re not the only part of your calling, they’re enough to not wish away the little inconvenient tasks inherent with parenting.

May we be mindful of the sacred task of parenting this week. May we hold it lightly in our hands so as to not wrap our identities around the job, but may we continually keep it within our eyes’ focus so that we remember its priority in our lives.

And may we be so reminded of its sacredness that we remember to take care of ourselves so as to not burn out. May we not feel guilty about popping up our feet with a good book, about watching a movie with our sweetie, or about grabbing coffee with a friend. May we remember our many dimensions, and that they deserve attending.

And may we remember to count the sacredness of the many mouths around our tables, no matter how many times they ask you to wipe something disgusting off their bodies.

May your week be a good one amidst the sacred messiness.