What Does it Mean to Practice “Green” Parenting?

Are you a green parent?  What does green parenting mean to you?

Today I”m honored to be guest posting at my sister blog, Simple Kids. Kara invited me to come over and discuss what green parenting means to me, and what it looks like in our home. Here”s an excerpt from my post:

“As parents, I’m sure it has hardly escaped your attention that “green living” is the buzzword everywhere these days, including our parenting choices. If you start researching what green parenting actually entails, it’s easy to experience casino online information overload; there are as many options and resources as there are opinions.
Yet I do believe that this is an important topic, so today I just want to look at some of the most basic ways that I practice green parenting. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired to take just one step further in preserving and caring for the earth, as you care for your children.”

Come on over to Simple Kids to read the rest…