Okay, so somewhere between April and today, summer set up shop and then rapidly packed up and moved elsewhere, and here we are, October 1. I honestly can’t believe it. I know, we say that kind of stuff every year, but truly, it’s hard for me to imagine. I know I was here for those months… but I still can’t fathom that it’s already late 2013, and we’re thick in the early days of fall. What happened?
Last week, I asked you guys what you were currently working on to simplify your lives. And you did not disappoint—loved the heart behind so many of your goals. I love rallying for you, encouraging you to keep on keeping on… (In fact, I just may ask you each month what you’re focused on, so that we can keep encouraging each other to stay focused on the simple.)
But you also gave lots of great post ideas, and we’ll do our best to explore those topics over the next few months. So in keeping with the whole art-and-scienceness of this blog’s mission, I thought we’d start a simple idea shared by Sarah G:
“I would love an occasional link roundup to *very simple* crafts/activities to do with kids as the winter months close in. I know pinterest abounds, but wading through them is not my forte!”
I loved the simplicity behind this. We can talk about the challenge to swim upstream as we live a bit unconventionally, and we can wade through the inns and outs of money management or dealing with well-meaning gift givers till the cows come home. But at the end of the day, sometimes we just want to make leaves out of felt.
So here’s a simple roundup of REALLY simple fall crafts and activities that are also easy on the eyes. Like, ridiculously easy. Because most of us have small people who like to make stuff, but well, sometimes grownups like that stuff, too.

Fall felt leaves :: MADE

Acorn mason jars :: Fancy House Road

Fall leaves garland :: A beautiful mess

Fall button branch :: Meet the Dubiens

Pine cone garland :: Twig & Thistle

Fall leaf banner :: Simple as That (by Rebecca, one of our regular contributors!)

Spooky stone spiders :: Rebecca from Simple as That (again)

Acorn wreath :: Little Things Bring Smiles

Spooky paper cutouts :: Country Living

Printable Halloween bat mobile :: Today’s Mama
I’ve linked to ten ideas here—but don’t feel overwhelmed. Do just a few. Or, do none and simply admire these bloggers’ creativity. No pressure—you’re awesome either way. I may (or may not) do about two; we’ll see. Just like in everyday life, keep the holidays and seasons simple, too. Your sanity will thank you.
Your turn—have a favorite fall project you’d like to tackle this year? Does your family have an annual tradition this time of year? Feel free to share in the comments. (You’re welcome to share a link, too, but don’t go nuts.)