- Name: Caroline Starr Rose
- Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Occupation: Children’s author
- Blog/site: Caroline Starr Rose
Tell us one way you are simplifying your life.
I made the seemingly crazy decision to stop teaching to pursue writing full-time without an agent or a contract. It felt way counter-cultural but was the best and right decision for me. Five years later, I have a wonderful agent, one book out and three more under contract. But even more than that, I have escaped the cycle of never-ending busyness. I won’t say I’ve got time management all figured out, but I have a much saner, healthier, kinder approach to my days.

What’s the background story —what compelled you to make this change?
As much as I loved it, it was overwhelmingly stressful to mother, write, and teach. I didn’t feel I could sustain it all or give my best. Many people can pull this sort of thing off, and I applaud them. But I’m not wired that way.

What were the obstacles?
The decision sounded downright illogical. I had a great position at a school I loved and where my boys attended. The money was necessary. I had written for over eleven years with nothing other than a few published poems to show for it.
How has this simplified your life? Or, how does it help you to live simply?
My world has grown much smaller, but I’m deeply satisfied. My days start with my family, including the gym or a morning run and a walk with the dog. Then it’s time alone with my thoughts and the kids again in the afternoon.
Honestly, I still find things like keeping the household together stressful when I’m on deadline. But then I think of what it would be if I were also teaching…

What inspires you?
Quiet. Beauty. A good read. Nature. Courage. Kindness. Old friends.
Emily Freeman’s Chatting at the Sky is daily must read.
Children’s authors Katherine Paterson and Karen Cushman.
The lovely, lovely, lovely Jamie Martin.
Teacher/author Donalyn Miller (her Book Whisperer made me sob in a good way).
Share a favorite quote, guiding motto, or perhaps your life’s purpose statement.
“Listen to your life; see it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis, all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.” -Fredrick Buechner
How do you celebrate everyday successes, no matter how small or large?
Hmm. Not sure this is something I do regularly. Perhaps I should.