Written by editor Nicole Bennett of Gidget Goes Home.
I know we’re still technically a few weeks away, but it’s starting to feel like spring around here already. We watched our first baseball game on TV and my youngest kiddos started up their swimming lessons again.
As the days get longer and a bit warmer some people start thinking about spring cleaning. I’ve never really been one for a huge cleaning overhall in the spring but I can tell you that my craft stash could definitely use some attention.

I’ve developed a little project for myself for this season and I’m excited to walk through it with you here on the blog!
The busier I get with life, homeschooling, mom-duties and just being a wife and friend, the less time I spend on my hobbies. So I’m finding myself wanting to really cut back on them and focus on what I’m passionate about. Quality over quantity, that’s what I’m thinkin’.
I have a lot of craft supplies gathering dust (maybe I’m not the only one?), and I decided it’s high time to attack them and actually use some of them.
From beads to grommets to felt to paper to feathers… I’ve got quite the eclectic collection. This spring I’m going to start taking a good, hard look at what I have and trying to actually use some of my supplies.

If you’ve got a similar thing going on, by all means play along with me! Let’s dig in and get creative, and see how we can use what we have. I’m hoping that in a couple of months I will have slimmed down my crafty belongings and maybe made some fun, useful things in the process.
I’ll post here what I find and what I do with it. If you’re on Instagram, you can play along with the hashtag #attackthestash.